Clockwork Goldfish

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Goldfish Rising

For the computer game Heaven & Earth, Scott Kim invented 12 new puzzle types, each with 4 variations. To help us make all the scenarios (over 600 in all!), I built a set of tools. The whole team got in on the action, creating scenarios, critiquing scenarios, and being inspired by each other's creations. I've often wanted to revisit that experience and make it available to a wider audience.

Now, with the Web as my platform, I'm doing just that, starting with Figure Ground, one of the original Heaven & Earth puzzles (used by kind permission of Michael Sandige, who holds the copyright for the game). It's not much to look at yet, and you can't actually create new scenarios, but you can play the original 48. Over time I plan to beautify the site and add creation tools, community features, and additional games (some from Heaven & Earth, some not).

In the meantime, I'd love to hear what you think! Please post critiques, bug reports, feature requests here. Also, if you're interested in helping out with the design or development of the site, drop me a line.

Happy puzzling!